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A MIC does not simply allow you to raise money from the public!

Mortgage Investment Corporations ("MICs") are on the rise in Canada.  With many of these MICs the founders and managers are confused over what regulators may or...

A MIC or a Mortgage Investment Corporation: What are they and how do you start one?

With significant potential for favourable rates of return and previously instituted tax exemptions, Canadian Mortgage Investment Corporations (MIC’s) are increasingly becoming recognized as a low-risk method...

Issues in Mortgage Law

Foreclosure: When and Why?It is not uncommon to combine a claim for foreclosure with a claim for the amount due under the covenants contained in the...

Mortgage Enforcement: What Can Go Wrong?

Notice of Sale and RequisitionsIf a purchase is made under power of sale, it is necessary to ensure that the vendor is authorized to conduct the...

Mortgage Enforcement: Issues for Discussion

IntroductionCommon issues expected to arise and confront legal counsels in mortgage enforcement practice, whether from the mortgagor’s perspective or from the lender’s perspective are under discussion...

CONSUMER DEBT: What Collection Agencies Can & Cannot Do

From Mumbai to Manitoba, there are often horror stories in the media of people being (verbally) abused, beaten up, chased down, dragged out and subjected to...

MORTGAGE DEFAULT: Power of Sale or Foreclosure?

Although generally the real estate market in Ontario has been robust, the frenzied market of the past has caused an increase in mortgage defaults as a...


With the Ontario real estate market demonstrating continued resilience, many people are still putting their confidence in real estate as an investment option across Ontario.  These...

MORTGAGES & FINANCE: What you don’t know; Securitization & Due Diligence!

Ever wonder why your mortgage has so many restrictions and requirements/conditions? Why are there so many different types of mortgages in the UK? Why does your...

MORTGAGES & FINANCE: Residential Construction Financing

In the residential market, construction financing is available for customers who are planning to build a new home or who want to reconstruct an existing property...