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Tag: Mortgage Investment

Tag: Mortgage Investment

MIC Foreign Investors & Withholding Taxes on Dividends

The Quick and Simple is that Yes, withholding taxes (usually 25% of gross amount unless subject to a tax treaty with the resident country of the...

What If A Mortgage Goes Bad In A MIC? What are the Investment Benefits In A MIC?

Management of the MIC must be vigilant and selective with whom they lend to, and investors can inquire about whether the MIC in question will allow...

Securities Law & Regulations of a MIC, a Mortgage Investment Corporation

A “Trade” (i.e. selling shares to investors in this case) triggers the “Registration” requirement, even if the trade is not a “distribution”. Just because there is...

Taxation of a MIC, a Mortgage Investment Corporation

The MIC itself will not pay income tax so long as the profits are flowed through to the shareholders and taxed in their hands. This is...

Managing A MIC, a Mortgage Investment Corporation

The creation of a MIC is similar to other corporations in the method of organization, election of directors/officers and the faculty to appoint committees, hire employees,...