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Tag: mortgagor

Tag: mortgagor

Can a borrower redeem their mortgage under power of sale?

The answer to this question is constantly evolving, with new and conflicting case law addressing specific facts released almost yearly.  The old adage of being able...

Issues in Mortgage Law

Foreclosure: When and Why?It is not uncommon to combine a claim for foreclosure with a claim for the amount due under the covenants contained in the...

Mortgage Enforcement: What Can Go Wrong?

Notice of Sale and RequisitionsIf a purchase is made under power of sale, it is necessary to ensure that the vendor is authorized to conduct the...

Mortgage Enforcement: Issues for Discussion

IntroductionCommon issues expected to arise and confront legal counsels in mortgage enforcement practice, whether from the mortgagor’s perspective or from the lender’s perspective are under discussion...

MORTGAGE DEFAULT: Power of Sale or Foreclosure?

Although generally the real estate market in Ontario has been robust, the frenzied market of the past has caused an increase in mortgage defaults as a...