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Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a written agreement and authorization for a person or organization to act on another person’s behalf in any type of legal situation. At Levy Zavet PC, our legal team is composed of some of the best and brightest minds in the legal field and have years of experience dealing with Power of Attorney situations. Our Lawyers and Paralegals are well-educated on Ontario laws and work carefully to ensure the best possible customer service to our clients. At Levy Zavet PC we offer free consultations with our legal staff that allow potential clients to discuss their legal situations with a Lawyer with complete confidentiality.

Lawyers at Levy Zavet PC work thoroughly with clients in order to fully understand each one’s individual worries and concerns, as well as each client’s legal goals. At Levy Zavet PC it is our privilege to work with you, and there is no case that does not deserve our utmost attention. If you are interested in Power of Attorney, or if you believe that you may soon be interested in Power of Attorney in the near future, contact Levy Zavet PC today to schedule your free consultation. Our firm boasts some of the most experienced and motivated legal experts in the business.

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