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Wills, Estates & Wealth Preservation

A well-planned estate plan can protect loved one, maintain a family business, save taxes, avoid conflicts between beneficiaries, take care of charitable interests and accomplish many other objectives. After some careful estate planning discussions, there are a number of elements of a comprehensive and thoughtful estate plan which may be appropriate in certain cases including wills, domestic contracts, life insurance, gifts during your lifetime, estate freezes, family and other trusts, and powers of Attorney for property and personal care. The Lawyers and Paralegals at Levy Zavet PC have years of experience working in Estate Planning Law and can offer quick and professional solutions in almost any legal situation.

At Levy Zavet PC, we have the privilege of working alongside our clients through the many stages of their lives and businesses. The Lawyers at Levy Zavet PC assist in legal situations regarding business succession, certificate of appointment of estate trustee and probate, estate planning and administration, power of Attorney, trusts, wills, primary and secondary wills and almost any other Will, Estate Planning or Wealth Preservation case. If you are wanting to speak with one of our highly-trained Lawyers about a legal situation you are entered into, or if you would like to speak to someone about a legal situation you may soon be entering into, do not hesitate to contact our firm today to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

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